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Rest... Relax...Rejuvenate.

      Navigating through the demands of our full and dynamic lives can take its toll on us whether it be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or energetic. When one aspect of our life is out of balance, our entire being is affected. This can leave us feeling stressed, depleted and even in pain. It is at these times when we are called to slow down, turn inward and allow ourselves some much needed self-care.

     One of the most simple and holistic ways to come back into balance and relieve discomfort is with therapeutic touch. Our bodies begin to soften, our minds can quiet and a sense of well-being gently permeates. Our spirits are lifted and we feel more energized. We can then return to our lives revitalized and with a sense of renewal.

     With over 25 years of professional training and experience under my hands, I bring a variety of modalities to the table. I provide a unique session to each individual based on their specific needs. I am also a certified yoga instructor and a former member of the Esalen Institute Massage Crew in Big Sur, California for over ten years. I invite you to rest, relax and rejuvenate in the privacy of my studio located at Blessing Acupuncture in downtown Monterey near Lake  El Estero. Experience the peace and tranquility you so deserve.

It is not a is a necessity! 

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